Happy Father's Day, Chris!
I am constantly blown away by what an amazing father you are to Park and can hardly wait to see that same bond develop between you and our newest blessing. Thank you for being a teacher, encourager, provider, investor, role model and so much more.
I adore how you love to spend so much time with Park, constantly shaping the man he will become. Your example as his earthly father is giving him such a clear picture of the love his Heavenly Father has for him. You amaze me more every day.
We love you!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Big Shoes
Posted by
Brittani's Holding Little Hands
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Labels: holiday memory, hubby, Park memory
Friday, June 12, 2009
Slip And Slide!
Posted by
Brittani's Holding Little Hands
Friday, June 12, 2009
Labels: just being a boy, just for fun, Park memory
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Documentation is Overrated
When I was pregnant with Park, Chris and I must have taken about a zillion pictures of my pregnant belly. We marveled over the weekly changes and documented each and every little happening.
Fast forward 4 years and I am now 27 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and just getting around to taking a picture. Go figure.
After all these years, I finally understand why my baby book was simply a few paragraphs on the last page of Challi's monstrous scrap book. The second child is no less loved, but perhaps a bit less documented.
But the good news is, what subsequent children may lack in documentation, they more than gain in richness of relationships. To this day, my sister is still my very best friend. No other friend could ever understand me like she does or love me as unconditionally.
I pray daily that Park and his sibling will share that same bond and intense love for one another. And one day, when this precious little one examines his/her baby book, maybe sharing the back page of Park's will seem like as much as a gift as sharing Challi's does to me.
Posted by
Brittani's Holding Little Hands
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
So how did June already creep up on me?
Better yet, how is it that I graduated college 10 years ago???
We ended May with a bang when my college roommate came in from The Woodlands with her husband and 2 little girls for Memorial Day weekend. Amy lived with me all 4 years at A&M and Challi (who also lived with us) and I often refer to her as our third sister.
I even get the credit for introducing her to her (now) hubby during Sophomore year, who I had become good friends with during a Summer session. Since Matt played football at A&M, it was especially fun to see him sport Park's little Aggie helmet as we reminisced about all the memories we had made together. Chris laughed right along with us, since he has heard them so many times by now.
But after a while, the guys pooped out and just like old times, Amy and I laughed into the wee hours of the night.
But, instead of sleeping until noon the next morning like college, our little ones had us up bright and early. And instead of giving me her best assessment on my health based on pictures from her medical books as she often did at Aggieland, this time, Dr. Amy expertly checked me over for skin cancer. So far, so good.
It is amazing how much more confident I am with her opinions now that she is actually a Dermatologist v/s just the roommate who spent about 20 hours at the pool with me a week. I seriously love that girl.
(Me, Amy, and Chal with our babies 3 years ago. They love this picture because they are both wearing heels and appear taller than me. We are all tall girls, but I feel the need to clarify that I am still the tallest. I also feel the need to clarify that I am only wearing overalls because it was a fishing themed party:)
And after all the Memorial day fun, Chris, Park, and I headed to meet all my family at the lake the next weekend, where we started a new tradition of making homemade ice cream. Yum is all I have to say about that.
The boys (and by that I'm also including the husbands) did their usual fishing, boat riding, deer feeding and swimming in the lake. Somehow my dad got suckered into pitching Park, Krew, and Kage about 400 baseballs, while I'm not sure my mom ever put Baby Kord down except to make green eggs and ham with the older boys.
After a relaxing time, we ventured home to 90 degree plus reality, while my parents are heading off on an Alaskan cruise. Park keeps talking about how he can't understand why Lolli and Pops aren't taking him to ride dog sleds, ice fish and sleep in an igloo. He caught an episode of Daniel Cook in Alaska and it's been downhill every since.
And I don't want to imply he has them wrapped around his finger or anything, but let's just say a certain Pops and Lolli are planning a Disney vacation for everyone to make up for it. I might try and hold them off a year or so.
There is more to write, but a certain little boy is napping right now and since that only happens once in a blue moon, I better go accomplish something.
Or at the very least, squeeze in a call to Amy.
Posted by
Brittani's Holding Little Hands
Wednesday, June 03, 2009